New Blog...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Apparently a change is as good as a holiday and well I need one or the other lol.
Alot of stuff has changed recently and I decided a new blog would help me get things in order and make life a little easier.
So now to catch up on whats been changing...
I'm no longer designing for Hybrid... no drama's or major issues... I just could not devote the time they deserved from me and so to be fair to Mel and the DT girls there I thought it was better that they found someone else who could give them the time and dedication they deserved. In a way too it was a selfish thing on my behalf because I was pushing myself to get stuff done and feeling guilty when I couldn't put in what the other girls were... so I had to let go of the pressure I was putting on myself over it. Hybrid is still an amazing site and shop so totally check it out and hopefully I will get the chance to get back there occasionally too!

On a non scrappy note... we are looking at moving in the near future... nothing major... still local etc. But Rod and I have discussed at length alot of stuff and we came to the conclusion that we would probably be better off in a smaller place that requires less cleaning, maitainence etc. Cheaper rent would be awesome too lol. So we looked at our lives and we picked a suburb based on it being closer to Rod's work and closer to where the kids dance. It is going to mean alot of change for all of us. The kids will change schools, we will have to get rid of alot of the crap we have accumulated and we will have to be better organised being in a smaller house. But on the upside if we pull it off... we will be paying a fair bit less rent plus saving money on bus fares and petrol because we will be closer to shops, school and dancing. So fingers crossed it all works out for us coz we really need this I think.

What else... still very worried about my aunt who has been very sick in hospital since early december. We have nearly lost her a few times and while she is still very very very ill she is doing better than she was and has suprised everyone with her improvement. So we are all hoping she will continue to suprise us all!

Otherwise... life is ok... hectic now we are back to school and dancing and now with thinking about moving as well its probably only going to get more so lol. I am excited about the prospect of a new start in a new house in a new area. There is something cool about all the possibilities that come with that kind of change so I really hope we find something good soon!

Ive done a little scrapping recently but need to get some decent pics to post so will do that soon I promise.

So welcome to the new look Rachy blog... make yourself at home!


ann February 27, 2009 at 7:39 PM  

Hi Rachy. great to see you back scrapping.
Miss you at Hybrid hope you pop back and say hi to us .
Lv ann xx

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